Five Facts About European Cruises

Five Facts About European Cruises

Many people have asked me about my favorite places to travel and the types of vacations I enjoy. There is nothing quite like an all-inclusive resort that includes everything. However, many people associate all-inclusive with boredom and lackluster activities. This may be true in certain cases but you might want to reconsider this by taking a cruise. You can enjoy all-inclusive luxury while seeing more of the world on a cruise than you would in a regular vacation.

These 5 facts will help you understand why European cruises are so popular.

Fact #1 Efficient: A cruise lets you see many cities and countries in an extremely short time.

Fact #2 Comfort – Are your tired from the idea of unpacking and then repacking? Unpack once on a cruise and then repack once at the end!

Fact #3 Economical and affordable – All you have to do is pay once and everything else will follow. Hidden fees are often overlooked on many trips, such as renting a car, eating out, and currency exchange costs. You don’t have to worry about extra day trips or souvenirs that you might want to buy during the trip.

Fact #4 One of the biggest drawbacks to a cruise is how little time you have at each destination. You won’t be able to stay longer at a particular location because the ship will take you away.

Fact #5 Motion sickness is another downside. You can prevent motion sickness by getting a room with windows and keeping anti-nausea medication on hand. The size of the ships, and the calmness in the water make motion sickness almost non-existent.


Sherry Gonzales